Celebrating 175 years in Dubuque

Join us November 6th in celebrating our church and parish. Celebrations include a gallery of historic documents, an historic worship service, and a reception. All are welcome. We encourage you to wear period dress if you so choose!

*Reminder: November 6 is Day Light Savings.

Main Church Building 1410 Main St. Dubuque, IA
Events on November 6

A Sunday of Celebration

All events are held at the church located at 1410 Main Street.

9 am - Tours of the Church and History Exhibit

Have you ever wanted to see the inside of St. John’s? Stop in and take a tour of our beautiful sanctuary! From Tiffany stained-glass windows to a 140-year old cake, hand-drawn architectural plans to handwritten meeting notes from 1845, enjoy a glimpse into the ordinary and extraordinary history of St. John’s and Dubuque. We’ll have knowledgeable Dubuque historians ready to answer your questions!

10 am - worship service

Experience worship blending the beauty of two centuries. All are welcome to participate in the procession. Individuals may wear historic dress of the 1845 time period. Clergy may vest and participate in the process. The liturgical color of the day will be white for stoles.  All are invited to participate in our first Sunday of the month custom of donating non-perishable food items to the Dubuque Food Pantry. A portion of the offering of this service will go to support St. John’s Mission Partners: St. Mark Youth Enrichment, The Dubuque Food Pantry, and the Episcopal Diocese of Nzara in South Sudan.

The service will feature readings from the Bible, the celebration of Holy Communion, at which all baptized Christians are welcome to receive and all others who desire may receive a blessing at the altar rail. This pattern is similar to what we do every Sunday but we will be using elements from the Prayer Book used by St. John’s in 1845.

11 am - reception

Please join us after worship at approximately 11am for a reception. Small plate foods, coffee and cold beverages will be provided. This event will be held in the lower level of the church. Please enter the northern most door on Main Street, turn right and proceed down the stairs to Kemper Hall. If you aren’t coming for the tours or worship, be sure to take a peek at our beautiful sanctuary. Free will donations accepted.

A sneak peek

A History in Pictures

RSVP for November 6

I plan to attend (check all that apply):


What should I wear?

Dress for comfort. People at St. John’s dress informally, but in addition to jeans and “business casual” you’ll sometimes see dresses, jackets, and occasionally, ties. Come as you are.

Where can I park?

You can park in the Parish House parking lot at 1458 Locust Street. On Sunday mornings St. John’s worshipers can also park in the Behr Funeral Home parking lot across from their location at 1491 Main Street and walk to the church at 1410 Main Street.

How early should I arrive?

That’s up to you, but we encourage you to arrive at least five minutes before. People tend to show up closer to 10 am (though during the school year, some of us are downstairs for Sunday School or Adult Education beforehand). If you are running late, it’s ok. Just enter quietly.

Which door should I use?

There are three sets of red doors. You may use either set located on Main Street to enter the church. 

What about handicap or mobility access?

A ramp is located behind the church off 14th Street. Enter the door, follow the hallway, take your first left, walk through Kemper Hall to the elevator. A doorkeeper will be present to help you with this.

At the parish house there is a ramp to the upper level entrance to the parish offices and Chapel. The lower level is accessible directly from the parking lot. We have restrooms on both upper and lower levels of the Parish House.

As a first-time guest will I be singled out?

No! You won’t be made to stand up, publicly introduce yourself, or wear a name badge. We have a reputation as a friendly group, so expect to be welcomed, but not overwhelmed.

I’m not an Episcopalian, can I receive Holy Communion?

Yes! All baptized Christians, from any denomination, are welcome to receive Holy Communion. You don’t have to be an Episcopalian to participate in almost anything we do as a congregation. Some join us and eventually become Episcopalian, others remain Catholic or Lutheran or whatever, while regularly participating in our life together. Again, come as you are.

I’ve got doubts about God and Christianity, can I still come?

Absolutely! That’s why we exist to help people explore their faith, ask questions, and wrestle with doubts. In fact, you’ll find you won’t be alone in your questions, as many of us have been wrestling with them for years.

What about my kids?

We offer a time for children's Sunday School during the 10am worship service, September through May. During the scripture readings and sermon, children are welcome in the tower room just off the sanctuary for a kid-friendly lesson with two adult teachers, and then they return to the main service just before Communion. We aren’t bothered by children being children, their movements, noises, and occasional comments add life to our services. 

What about people who have gone through a divorce or LGBTQ persons?

St. John’s welcomes all baptized Christians to receive Holy Communion, regardless of marital status. St. John’s welcomes LGBTQ persons fully into our life, including marriage. The Episcopal Church ordains women and men as priests. It also allows re-marriage of divorced persons.

Main Church Building 1410 Main St. Dubuque, IA

Main Church

Parish House Parking Lot

St. John's Parish House Office Entrance

Office Entrance

At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.


For those unable to attend in person, please use the Zoom link below to watch the service online.

Christmas Eve Service - 7pm

Main Church, 1410 Main St.

Click here for the bulletin.

Online link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/upcsdOCgpj8v3x7pYYS9PNYRFQG7gApwAQ

Christmas Morning Service - 10am Ecumenical Service

St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 1199 Main Street

 Online: Click button below to join 

Sunday Evening Online - Compline via Zoom

Wednesday Service - 12:10pm Holy Eucharist (Mass)

Parish House Chapel, 1458 Locust St.