Rites and Celebrations

At St. John’s, we say that “Doubts are ok, questions are welcome, please, come as you are.”

We welcome your questions about any of these rites and celebrations. Contact us at office@stjohnsdbq.org.

child at the baptismal font

House Blessings

Have you recently moved to a new home? Whether a house for your family or a new dorm room for yourself marking the move to a new place can help you get off to the right start. Blessings for homes, apartments, dorms, additions, or renovations are available.

Blessing of the Animals

Do you have an animal friend who brings you much joy? Every year, around the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4,  we host a Blessings of the Animals services. If you’d like your pet blessed before then, that can be arranged, too.

Prayers for the Sick

Are you or someone you care about facing a difficult health situation? The power of prayer can be a source of healing and strength for you and your loved ones.  Prayers for healing with sacramental oiling are available, as well as last rites.


Baptism is milestone moment in the journey of faith. Baptism is the public rite that celebrates an individual’s formal entrance into the Christian life and Christian community.  We celebrate baptism for infants, children, youth, and adults.


Marriage is a sacred and joyous occasion for any couple. Our historic church is a beautiful location to get married in; however, we believe that marriage preparation should focus as much on the vows you will make to each other, as the details of the special day itself.

Father Kevin Blessing a Dog

First Holy Communion

Communion is an opportunity to experience God through the ancient ritual of receiving bread and wine, as Jesus did with his first disciples. At St. John’s all baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion, but some wish to mark their first reception of Communion in a special way.


Confirmation is a thoughtful, informed, decision to commit to the Christian life through the Episcopal way. Confirmation is celebrated with our bishop and is an occasion of joy.

Need to Talk to a Priest?

Do you have something you want to talk to a priest about? It can be helpful to share and talk over a concern with a pastor. Private confession, something that is encouraged, but is not required in The Episcopal Church is also available. The priest can never discuss the contents of a formal confession with anyone, including you, unless you bring up the topic again.


Grieving is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Having a parish family to surround you and your loved ones can make grief more bearable. Funerals are ordinarily conducted in our main church, sometimes in our side chapel for smaller gatherings or memorial services. While the deceased, surviving family or friends usually have a connection to St. John’s, this is not always the case. Graveside services are also conducted.

Church Presence Lamp