Outreach & Partnerships

Kindness Community Meal

For decades, St. John’s has served a free meal to the community every fifth Sunday of the month at noon.

During the pandemic, we have continued to serve those in need, through offering grab and go lunches.

Cup of Cold Water parade ministry

Dubuque Food Pantry

For many years, we’ve shared a mission partnership with the Dubuque Food Pantry.

In addition to offering financial support, we collect non-perishable food items every Sunday for the pantry.

Dubuque Food Pantry Building

St. Mark Youth Enrichment

This outstanding organization serves hundreds of children in our city.

In addition to offering financial support,  St. Mark uses our Parish House and Kemper Hall for some of their programs.

Diocese of Nzara, South Sudan

This partnership goes back to a theological student from South Sudan who studied in Dubuque and attended St. John’s.

St. John’s offers financial support to the Diocese and hosts speakers who have traveled to or are from the diocese at least annually.

Members of St. John's and the Diocese of Nzara