October is Pledge Month

October is stewardship month at St. John’s. We ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge for 2024. Thanks to you and others, we’re making real progress toward our vision of becoming a “Renewed Church.” A challenge still before us is reducing our dependency on funding a large percentage of our operating budget from our investment funds.

Image of St John's Episcopal Church Building at 14th and Main St. Dubuque
Pledge month

Our Letter to You

St. John’s is a sacred place, a beautiful building. St. John’s is a spiritual family, a community of people. So far, 2023 has been a good year for St. John’s. We’ve had a record number of baptisms. Several new individuals and families joining us in worship and many becoming members. The sounds of children are now more regular in Sunday worship. In July our Kindness Meal fed over 100 people. Our new signage was installed at the main church. In many ways, St. John’s is on a good course.

Every October we invite existing pledgers to make their financial commitment once again to St. John’s.

We also invite first time pledgers to make a pledge. A pledge is not only a sign of your commitment to God and to this faith community, but it is a very practical way to help the leaders of St. John’s in planning the 2024 budget.

Your pledge supports all that is St. John’s, our building, the people, and our ministry to the wider world.

 Thank you for pledging.

Megan McCready


Susan Meyers

Director of Development

Pledge month

Pledge Tools

Pledge month

Pledge Card

Make a Pledge

Pledge Method:

Other Giving Ideas (select those options you are interested in learning more about)

Click here to indicate you have reviewed your pledge information and are ready to submit:

Pledge month

How to Fulfill Your Pledge

Direct Withdrawal via ACH

Direct withdrawal via ACH reduces fees and eliminates the possibility of lost, stolen, or fraudulent checks.
To sign up for ACH, print this form and mail it to: 
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Attn: Treasurer
1458 Locust St.
Dubuque, IA 52001

Credit or Debit Card

You can give using they VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or AMEX.  You may set it up and manage your pledge by clicking here. You will be taken to a secure transaction form. Unlike the other payment options, this option does include a fee assessed to St. John’s.  You will be given an option to cover the fee when you sign up.

Bank Bill Pay

A check is mailed from your bank to us. When signing up with your bank, please note that our mailing address is 1458 Locust St., Dubuque, IA 52001.


Make your check out to St. John’s Episcopal Church and place it in the offertory plate at church or mail it to us at 1458 Locust St., Dubuque, IA 52001.

Pledging together


St. John’s would like to thank  you for your contribution. Here is how your pledge will help in the coming year.

  • Decrease dependency on our investments
  • Continue our work in the community
  • Support our mission partners
  • Revitalize our parish
At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.