
Kindness is Powerful.

Kindness transforms Lives.

St. John’s challenges everyone in the Dubuque area to practice intentional acts of kindness throughout your daily lives. We promote kindness, as a church, during our Kindness Weekends held throughout the year.

Join the Kindness Movement.

Kindness transforms lives

Join the Kindness Movement

Practice intentional acts of kindness

Look for ways that you can spread kindness in your everyday life.  Also, make an effort to notice and celebrate acts of kindness that others are doing.

Join us at one of our July Kindness Events

Learn the Kindness Song

Kindness Challenge

Random Acts of Kindness

Smile at people you see on the sidewalk and around town.

Add money to parking meters downtown.

Take a moment to be kind to yourself: visit a favorite place or listen to a favorite song.

Pick-up trash on the sidewalks in your neighborhood.

Write a thank you note and mail it.

Make a meal for someone.

Listen to the people you interact with today. Listen deeply.

Leave an encouraging note on a windshield.

Put a note of encouragement in the pocket of a loved one.

Offer a ride to someone who doesn't have a car.

Thank your mail delivery person.

Contribute a book to a Little Free Library near you.

Give time or school supplies to St. Mark Youth Enrichment.

Bring flowers to someone who needs their day brightened.

Plan a fun excursion with your little one-- what would they enjoy?

Tell someone you love how much they mean to you.

Donate unused clothing items to Almost Home's Open Closet.

Invite a person to lunch who is new to town.

Take a moment to be kind to yourself: plan a day of rest and do something you enjoy.

Buy the next person in line's coffee.

Donate food to the Dubuque Food Pantry.

Care for a weary parent with a meal or childcare.

Pray for kindness to spread through-out Dubuque.

At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.

The Reverend Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P.

The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is the pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church. He’s known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style, and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the challenges of everyday life.

While you wait for our service this Sunday, check out a couple of sermons that can help you right now.


The Power of Kind Words


The Power of Kind Deeds


The Power of Kind Hearts