st john's spring sermon series

50 Days of Encountering Jesus

Sundays at 10 am and 4 pm


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Finding connection

Join us for 50 Days Focused on Encountering Jesus

Supported by sermons, daily activity prompts, and discussion, make this Easter season a time for reconnecting with Jesus, or meeting him for the first time.

Sundays, starting April 24

10am Traditional worship
The Historic Church
1410 Main Street

Online: Click the button below to join

4pm contemporary worship
St. john’s Parish House chapel
1458 Locust Street

Sunday Evening Online – Compline via Zoom

encountering jesus

April 24

in Doubts

Preacher: Mother Susan Forshey
At St. John’s, doubts are okay. Just as Jesus met the disciples in their doubts, with love and understanding, Jesus will meet you in yours.

May 1

in Guilt & Shame

Preacher: Father Kevin Goodrich, O.P.
All but one of Jesus’ apostles and many of his followers left Jesus at the cross and fled. After his resurrection, Jesus met the disciples in their guilt & shame, loving and forgiving them, freeing them for a life of joy and love. He can free you, too.

May 8

in Weariness

Preacher: Mother Susan Forshey
Are you weary? Has the pandemic years, civil discord, and images of war broken you heart? Has the chaos of illness, work struggles, or family conflict worn you down? Jesus met his followers in their need for healing. Jesus longs to meet you.

May 15

in New Ways

Preacher: Michael Durnin
Jesus called his disciples to new ways of living and caring for the world. Sometimes those new ways were difficult and went against tradition. How might God be calling you to let go of lifeless practices in order to find joy again?

May 22

in Relationships

Preacher: Mother Susan Forshey
Jesus life, death, and resurrection resets relationships, healing the ruptures between humans and God, between ourselves and others, within ourselves, and between humanity and the planet. Where do you need to experience Jesus’ healing in your relationships?

May 29

in All Circumstances

Preacher: Father Kevin Goodrich. O.P.
Jesus says to his disciples, “Peace be with you!” This peace is not transitory or based in feeling; it is not a ceasefire out of a fragile truth; it is the “peace that passes all understanding.” How do you long for that peace your life?

At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.

The Reverend Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P.

Father Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is a traveling preacher, spirituality teacher and pastor.  Father Goodrich is known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style, and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the challenges of everyday life.

While you wait for our online service this Sunday, check out a couple of sermons that can help you right now.


Dealing with Busyness and Stress


Liking is Optional, Love is Required

The Reverend Dr. Susan Forshey

Mother Susan is associate professor of Discipleship and Christian Formation at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and associate pastor at St. John’s. She brings over two decades of Christian Education and spiritual direction experience, serving churches in Seattle and Boston, with a special interest in the neuroscience of spiritual practices.

Michael Durnin

Currently the Dean of Student Formation for the University of Dubuque, he is also the senior warden for St. John’s. With over 35 years of teaching, administration or coaching at the college level throughout the country, Mike is an active speaker on leadership and is also trained facilitator for Emotional Intelligence. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Chris Norton Foundation.