Growth. Encouragement. Fellowship. A Fellowship of Preachers offers a day of worship, learning, and fellowship with five experienced preachers, representing five Christian traditions. Whether you preach regularly or are just getting started, this day will deepen your understanding of preaching and nourish your spiritual life. The event is free and includes lunch. Registration required.
9:30 am Check-In, Registration & Refreshments
10:00 am Welcome & Worship – Dr. Samantha Gilmore preaching
10:30 am Workshops
12:00 pm Lunch
12:30 pm Workshops
2:00 pm Closing Worship – Rev. Dr. Marcus Allen preaching
Preachers and Workshop Leaders
Rev. Dr. Marcus Allen – Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, Madison, WI
Dr. Samantha Gilmore – Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Wartburg Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P. – Pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Dubuque, and a friar in the Anglican Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
Dr. Samuel Giere – Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Wartburg Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Timothy Slemmons – Professor of Homiletics and Worship, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
Sponsored by Wartburg Seminary and the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, with special funding from the Omaha Presbyterian Foundation.