online sermon series (live)

Finding Hope in Loneliness

Sundays at 10 am CST


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Finding encouragement

How can you keep faith during this time?

Before the pandemic, many were lonely, now all of us face isolation in ways we never imagined before. Receive encourage, perspective, and hope for living with that most human of conditions: loneliness. 

sermon topics

September 13

Loneliness in a Connected World

We live in the most connected age of human history. Television, texting, and social media keep us constantly connected with human beings next door and around the world. Yet, despite all this connection, loneliness is on the rise. Come and hear how to rise above this paradox.

Preacher: The Rev. Deacon Kevin Powell has worn many hats in his life: farmer, appraiser, state school board of education member, duck slayer, and more. He’s finishing his studies for the priesthood and is a husband, father, and grandfather, and lifelong Iowan.

September 20

Meeting God in Loneliness

God is the great mystery of life. Over the centuries, the lonely have gone to God with their pain and with their questions. Over the centuries, the lonely have found hope and strength to bear the shadows of isolation. Come and hear how to find meaning and purpose when life is lonely.

Guest Preacher:  Brother Jason Gaboury, O.P., is the Director for the NY/NJ chapter of Intervarsity Fellowship, an ecumenical Christian ministry serving college students. A friar in the Anglican Order of Preachers, he recently released his book, Wait with Me: Finding God in Loneliness.

September 27

The Lessons of Loneliness

Loneliness can be a great teacher, revealing to us deep truths about life, others, and ourselves. Seldom do we invite this teacher into our lives and seldom do we want the lessons. Come and hear some of these lessons and how they can help you to live life more deeply and richly.  

Preacher:  The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is the pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church. He’s known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style, and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the challenges of everyday life.

Series introduction by our pastor, Fr. Goodrich.

Finding Hope in Loneliness

At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.

The Reverend Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P.

The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is the pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church. He’s known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style, and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the challenges of everyday life.

While you wait for our online service this Sunday, check out a couple of sermons that can help you right now.


Dealing with Busyness and Stress


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