
Kindness is Powerful.

Kindness transforms Lives.

We are challenging everyone in the Dubuque area to practice intentional acts of kindness for the month of September.

Kindness transforms lives

Get Involved in Spreading Kindness

Make a Plan

Kind deeds can fall to the side when we’re living our busy lives.  This month, plan regular acts of kindness. Put a reminder on your phone or tape a note to your bathroom mirror.  Register below and we’ll mail you a Kindness Starter Kit to help you get started.

get inspired

Looking for fun ways to be Kind?  Download the September Acts of Kindness Calendar to get inspired.

inspire others

By sharing stories of how kindness has transformed your life you are inspiring and encouraging others.  Share your story of kindness on Facebook with the #SpreadKindnessDbq hashtag or use the registration form below.

learn more

At St. John’s we encourage you to dig in, ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of all topics of faith. Doubts are ok. Questions are welcome. Please come as you are.

We have developed a survey to help you learn more about how kindness transforms. Click here to take the Kindness Survey.

We are also hosting a 3-Part Sermon Series on Kindness beginning Sunday, September 12. Services are at 10 am and 4 pm each Sunday.


Register Below to Receive FREE Kindness Goodies and to Get Involved

Get involved by (check all that apply):

In an effort to inspire others to spread kindness, some stories will be shared via social media, at Sunday Services, or in other print and digital forms. If your story is shared only your first name will be used as a reference.

spreading kindness together


St. John’s would like to thank the following sponsors who have committed to the St. John’s Community Kindness Campaign.


The Episcopal Church for awarding an Evangelism Grant to St. John’s to help us to sponsor acts of kindness and spread the kindness message.

St. Mark Youth Enrichment for partnering with us for a Kindness Art Initiative with children.

University of Dubuque Wendt Scholars Program for volunteering your time and talents to #SpreadKindnessDbq.

Telegraph Herald for helping to share the message of the Kindness Campaign.

Spread kindness: St. John’s Episcopal bringing altruism to community with campaign

Stewart: Make a difference in our community by spreading kindness

City Council of Dubuque, Iowa who will proclaim the month of September as St. John’s Community Kindness month at their September 7 meeting. Watch the proclamation on their Facebook page.

Singer-Songwriter Kate Meyrick for composing an inspiring song for the St. John’s Community Kindness Campaign.

Dubuque Regional Humane Society for their ongoing kindness to animals as well as the time and talent of their staff and volunteers in helping to spread kindness in our community.

Charlotte’s Coffee House for their donation of coffee to be given as intentional acts of kindness throughout our community.

The Jule for displaying Spread Kindness posters in Dubuque buses.

Happy Joe’s Pizza and Ice Cream for their donation of free pizza and pop certificates to be given as intentional acts of kindness throughout our community.


Here’s how you or your business can get involved:


deepen your understanding

The Power of Kindness

sermon series

Join the 10 am (1210 Main St.) or 4 pm (1458 Locust St.) Sunday services to deepen your understanding of Kindness. All are welcome.  At St. John’s, doubts are ok. Questions are welcome. Please come as you are.

September 12

The Power of Kind Words

Words are powerful, but a kind word given at the right moment can transform a life. We live in age of an avalanche of words. Words on our screens. Words in our ears. So many of these words are not spoken in kindness. Be encouraged and inspired to change the tenor of our personal and societal conversations.

September 19

The Power of Kind Deeds

Words have power, but words are not enough, words must lead to deeds. Words however sincere and necessary can ring hollow without accompanying action. Deeds can bring people together in compassion. Be encouraged and inspired to surprise people with hope through acts of kindness.

September 26 Kindness sunday

The Power of Kind Hearts

Words and deeds flow from our hearts, so sometimes we have to look within. Kindness takes courage. Kindness takes determination. Kindness takes a heart that is open to the suffering and needs of others. Be encouraged and inspired to have a heart that more naturally moves toward kindness.

Series introduction by our pastor, Fr. Goodrich.

The Power of Kindness

deepen your understanding

Kindness Survey

Take the Kindness Survey to help you reflect on your beliefs surrounding Kindness. Survey results are anonymous. Results may be shared without your name or any other identifying feature.

Which of the following best describes kindness?

Do you find it easier to be kinder to people you like and people you love than people you don’t like and don’t love?

Is kindness something some people deserve and some people don’t?

Will you strive to practice intentional acts of kindness during the month of September?

How else will you participate in the #SpreadKindnessDbq campaign this September?

In an effort to inspire others to spread kindness, some stories will be shared via social media, at Sunday Services, or in other print and digital forms. If your story is shared only your first name will be used as a reference.

At st. john’s

Doubts are ok,
questions are welcome,
please, come as you are.

The Reverend Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P.

The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, O.P., is the pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church. He’s known for his sense of humor, engaging preaching style, and ability to relate spiritual concepts to the challenges of everyday life.

While you wait for our service this Sunday, check out a couple of sermons that can help you right now.


Dealing with Busyness and Stress


Liking is Optional, Love is Required